The Haradrim are a mighty force who rule the South. Allies of Sauron,
they aid him in his plans to conquer Middle-Earth while pursuing their own
goals. Blood magic, deceit, and vicious wit are commonplace among their
fell ranks, though honour amongst themselves is highly regarded. They hope
to establish a foothold within the lands of the weaklings who inhabit the
green pastures so different from their desert home.
The goals of the Haradrim are quite straightforward: the eradication of
resistance to Sauron and the destruction of all the forces of good. They
will employ whatever tactics available to meet their goals, no matter how
heinous or obscene they may appear to be. Aside from those who commit
atrocity just for the thrill, they believe in self-sufficiency and
personal gain.
Membership within the Haradrim is open only to those who harbor evil in
their heart, value greed and power above all else, and have shown they
are far more powerful then the average mortal.
To join, you must talk to an Elder of the Haradrim and prove your worth.
You must also pass a quest set up by the Elders.