Adept Level 10 Perk
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Author:  Ender [ Sun May 16, 2010 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Adept Level 10 Perk

As many of you already know, I'm working on a level 10 adept perk. Here, I'll try to flesh it out a little bit so you all have an idea of how it is looking so far.

The concept is simple: Adepts will get spells and skills that fit in with their adept class (based on their remort choices). In total, there are 60 planned spells/skills. These are split between the classes (not evenly), and some go into multiple classes.

Adepts that reach level 10 will not automatically have access to these spells and skills. Each time a mob is killed, they will have a chance to drop a special item that will allow you to train a specific spell/skill. These items can be traded between players, so even if you get an item that does not match your adept class, you may be able to trade it to someone that does have what you need. You can also start getting these items at any level (technically even level 1, should you possess the ability/luck to do so). The items will only drop off mobiles higher than level 150. The higher the level, the more likely they are to drop. A level 200 will drop them consistently, while a level 151 mobile will drop them... well let's just say you shouldn't hold your breath. (Even if you hunted level 155s in groups since level 130, you may not ever see a 155 drop one... although it's possible.)

Good news: This part of the code is already done!

All that is left to do now is finish the currently planned spells and skills. 5/60 done at this point in time. The spells and skills initially started off with posts from the old forums that we had (I believe under Fleet), where Flake and others posted quite a bit of ideas. Kulazar's immquest for adept spells/skills further spurred more ideas. Through much debate, balancing, roleplay-considerations, etc., we have finally arrived at the 60 we have now. This isn't to say that more won't be added later, but just that these 60 will be the ones to go in with the new system as a first phase. Later phases will be in small chunks, similar to how balancing is done with our current spells/skills as necessary.

This will make level 10 adepts appear godlike amongst other mortals... assuming they have learned the available spells/skills. With that in mind, PK ranges will be changing when adepts are involved (all hard coded). Basically, adept level will be added on top of a player's overall level when considering PK ranges. This does not mean that level 10 adepts will be level 160... it means the PK range checks will treat them as level 160, although they will still be level 150. This will limit level 10 adepts to only PKing other adepts (or people at level 150 that haven't yet gained their first, free adept level).

Other things still under consideration:
Level 9 still needs a perk... perhaps level 9 can be allowed a single adept spell/skill (or their choice)? At level 10, the rest then also become available for practicing.. (all via the special items). Also, with the idea that HoH (the adept hall) may be changing, the level 5 perk (2 portals to anywhere) may be changing as well. If this perk does change (possibly removed), then level 5 would also need a perk. Could allow one spell/skill at level 5, another at 9, and the rest at 10... I know it's hard to judge without knowing the capabilities of each spell/skill, but nonetheless, what does everyone think? (Feel free to suggest other perks as well, and what level you think they would be appropriate for.)

Author:  Ender [ Wed May 19, 2010 5:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Adept Level 10 Perk

Just an update: Made some freetime out of time I didn't have to spare the other night... anyways, 10/60 of the spells/skills are done. There's about 5 more quick ones to go, and then the fun stuff starts (creating entire new systems just to handle 2 spells, etc.).

Although this is the only coding project I'm actively working on, full testing probably won't begin until mid-June. Non-Mordor projects that are costing me $$ irl are going to be taking up a bit more of my time for the next 2 to 3 weeks. After that, I'll decide whether to have people start testing during coding, or whether to wait til the end (mid-June).

P.S. - Let me know if you are interested in testing. For the beginning, it will be adepts and immortals only. If you feel you know enough about Mordor (especially end-game) to test without already having an adept character, feel free to let me know and I'll consider it.

Author:  Ender [ Wed Jun 16, 2010 2:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Adept Level 10 Perk

Just a short update:
20 skills/spells done, and we're currently looking at a total of 59.

Author:  Ender [ Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Adept Level 10 Perk

Up to 25 of 60 done, although there's still only 59 adept skills/spells.

The 60th one is a skill called 'hamstring' for thieves (level 48) that will allow them to hit target easier (although it is not passive). It halves the opponents chance to flee, dodge, and phase.

I added this skill along with the adept ones since Rogues and BladeMasters will get 'cripple' which is an enhancement for the 'hamstring' command.

Author:  Ender [ Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Adept Level 10 Perk

Just another update.

I haven't posted it here yet, but as I stated online, I took a week vacation to go watch some friends graduate from their universities. That pushed back the expected arrival of adept skill/spell testing to the end of June.

On better news, the numbers have changed again. Out of 61 adept skills/spells, 38 are currently done. There are also 3 other skills/spells which are related but are not in adept slists, which have been completed as well.

Author:  Arkk [ Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Adept Level 10 Perk

Uhm... so what happens when you recreate? Does that mean you lose all those skills youve been hunting after for a long time?

Author:  Ender [ Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Adept Level 10 Perk

Should you choose to recreate to a new adept class, then you would lose any spells/skills that are not also in your new class. In most cases, this will be a vast majority of them, if not all. (Druid to Sage wouldn't lose nearly as many as Paladin to Rogue.)

I have talked with a pair of current adepts about this (individually) and one of them did point out that they could still have the practice-items for their new class already. Meaning, if they are a Sorcerer but are thinking of switching to BladeMaster, then they could still hold onto any BladeMaster spell/skill items that they acquire. Then if they do decide to go through with the recreate, they can use the items as soon as they become a BladeMaster. (And to answer this adept's question, yes the items that grant the spells/skills will save through logout/reboot/etc. and can be sold/traded/given/etc. freely between players. I actually expect it, since a Paladin may find a Necromancer spell and have no use for it, other than to wait for a Necromancer to acquire a Paladin spell, at which time they could trade.)

Author:  Ender [ Wed Jul 07, 2010 3:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Adept Level 10 Perk

Update: 49 of 63 done.

Sorry for the delay, but I just moved and until a few minutes ago, I had no internet. Things should be rolling smoothly again, as of now. :)

Author:  Ender [ Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Adept Level 10 Perk

Going slower than I hoped... RL tends to get in the way.

Anyways, figured it's time for another update.

Out of 61 adept spells/skills, 53 are done, plus an additional 4 of 4 spells/skills that are necessary (but not part of the 61) are done.

It's getting close...

Author:  Ender [ Wed Jul 28, 2010 4:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Adept Level 10 Perk

So it's been a while since one of these.. I was out of town for 4 days, going out of town again for another 4 days this weekend.

There were some good idea contributions from Flake, many of which I've already implemented, but it raised the total number of spells/skills:

Non-Adept (yet still related): 5/5 Done
Adept: 63/73 Done

10 to go... and hopefully less than that by the time I head out of town this weekend. I know you guys are anxious to see these in, as am I. After this weekend, RL should be settling down again and I'll be able to crank out the last few, and then we can open up for final testing before bringing it live.

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