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NRP Changes

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 Post subject: NRP Changes
PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 1:36 pm 
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Joined: Thu Nov 19, 2009 9:27 am
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The NRP zone has a few upcoming changes, but I'd like to post them here so that they may be discussed before anything is implemented - changes will be in a couple weeks.

* The zone is titles as a Non-Role-Playing zone, yet it was set up to avoid standard game play - whether for reasons such as going AFK, for chatting, or to actually Roleplay (civilly, without any actual violence). Therefore, the flag/command will change to NGP (Non-Game-Play).

* The Hall of Heroes (HoH) will disappear. Adepts will still be able to visit the adept areas via an adept-only room in the NGP area, so they may be used for fun, but questing will be removed. Questing there is far easier than in the standard Tolkien areas, and the separation of players between HoH and the designed Tolkien world has been one cause for a decrease in camaraderie within alliances (mainly due to the pre-HoH idle spot being alliance halls). I can delve into this issue further if desired.

* NRP (NGP) entering/exiting is being used too frequently to avoid PK while still "playing the game" on PK days. The 1 minute enter/exit is favorable for quick changes, such as an emergency need to go AFK, returning to the computer, or the desire to RP with someone in the Steel&Bolts - the NGP inn. The current solution to the problem is a minimum switch time of 15 minutes. There would still be a 1 minute minimum to enter/exit the NGP zone, however each player would get a 15 minute timer upon a switch that would be the minimum time before it could be used again. Therefore, if you use "NGP enter" to get into the NGP zone, then wait 5 minutes and use "NGP exit", your timer to exit would be 10 minutes (15 - 5) instead of 1 minute. Further, using the NGP enter/exit command could check your enemy list for any PK targets (players or their summons) and fail if it finds any. This prevents the use of the command while a player is "PK active". This solution was only lightly discussed, so I am open to adjustments or a replacement solution.

Please voice your concerns or approvals here, if you wish to have a say before the changes are implemented.

 Post subject: Re: NRP Changes
PostPosted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 7:35 pm 

Joined: Wed May 19, 2010 5:33 pm
Posts: 15
I'll have to admit, I'm not a fan of the Hall of Heroes disappearing, but I understand the need to keep people actually interacting with the game. I'll list a few potential modifications that I hope will please both myself and those who feel HoH is detrimental to the game.

1) Have the Hall of Heroes somewhere that it can be accessed by all players, perhaps in the trading village, either in its previous location, or somewhere nearby. Players (including nonadepts) would be able to walk around and see the cool rooms that people have, and dream of the day when they can have their own. They could see the adept bartender and (if implemented) adept patch stores, for instance, or any other future features.

2) PK would be legal in the Hall of Heroes in any circumstance where it would be legal outside the hall, i.e. on pk days within pk range.

3) All locked doors would be changed into unlocked doors. This was already done in alliance halls.

4) Any keys for chests in adept rooms would be changed either to items that adepts can log off with (so they won't spawn on the floor for anyone to grab) or else become flagged like quest gear/pieces so that only the owner can pick them up. This would allow adepts to still store things without fear of someone going in there and looting it all. (I've also mentioned in the past asking for adept room chests, alliance donation chests, and the trading village donation pit to be saved across reboots/crashes in the way that player corpses are, but this hasn't happened yet)

I'm not really sure how to address the nonTolkien areas, as I don't use them very often. I do think they are really cool, though, and I'd like to see them stay if possible. (when I had more time and no job I had wild dreams of making a Cthulhu Lovecraftian adept area... but it will probably never be now) Suland's 15 minute switch timer seems like a fairly decent solution, but I should really leave that aspect of things to those who might have something more intelligent to say about it than I.

 Post subject: Re: NRP Changes
PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 4:08 pm 
Global Moderator
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Joined: Thu Nov 19, 2009 9:27 am
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Location: California, USA
The OP has finally been implemented.

The NRP zone was renamed to NGP, along with all commands and the like.
The Hall of Heroes (HoH) has been unlinked from the game. The portals to adept only areas are now attached via a room in the NGP area.

Transferring between the NGP area and Tolkien world is now on a 3 minute timer, and the transfer is canceled if any damage is taken or dealt. Further, a 10 minute cooldown is put into affect after a successful transfer. This makes the total "hop there and back" a 13 minute window, which is hopefully long enough to deter it from being used as a short-term PK avoidance strategy. (Choosing to go to NGP to avoid PK is fine, and enables one to stay online and hang out until an ally logs on. It is simply meant to avoid continual jumping in and out.)

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